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These pages provide details of some of the printed publications - books, theatre programmes, newspapers and magazines - that have featured Lyn Paul during her long career.


Fiction - novels and play scripts
Music, Musicals and Theatre
Quiz Books

Concert and Theatre Programmes

New Seekers' programmes featuring Lyn Paul
Concert programmes
Pantomime programmes
Summer Season and Variety Show programmes
Theatre programmes
Newspapers and Magazines

1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09
2010-19 2020-24    

Press Articles: 1980s

This page provides details of newspaper articles, reviews and interviews featuring Lyn Paul or the New Seekers, which appeared in the UK press during the 1980s. Scroll down the page or select a year from the table below.

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989



The British Newspaper

The Paperboy

Daily Mail

The Mirror

News of the World

The Sun

The Times


Lyn Paul married Vince McCaffrey in 1980, but the wedding day smiles didn't last long. The couple returned from their honeymoon to find that their home in Liverpool had been burgled. In October Lyn was featured in a two-part "tell all" in the News of the World.

Meanwhile, ex-New Seeker Peter Doyle signed a new recording contract.

 The Times, Thursday, 14th February 1980, page 27.

Personal Choice

The Times' TV preview highlighted Lyn Paul's appearance on Pebble Mill At One.

"Pebble Mill At One (BBC1, 1.00pm) has the first live transmission from a nuclear submarine at sea. Five fathoms deep, inside Dreadnought, cruising off the island of Arran, Lyn Paul will regale the crew with songs that are appropriate to the day."

 Revue, Friday, 22nd February 1980, page 4.

A gateway to stardom

An article about stars who had appeared in Coronation Street before going on to greater things, among them Windsor Davies, Davy Jones and Lyn Paul.

 Daily Star, Saturday, 5th April 1980, page 2.

Lyn weds at last

News item reporting on Lyn's wedding to Vince McCaffrey. Includes a photo of Lyn.

 The Sun, Saturday, 5th April 1980, page 1.

Finders Seekers!
Picture exclusive by Richard Reed.

News item reporting on Lyn's wedding to Vince McCaffrey. Includes a photo of Lyn and Vince on their wedding day.

 Daily Mail, Thursday, 10th April 1980, page 3.

Raiders take the magic out of Lyn's honeymoon

News item reporting on the theft of £30,000 worth of Lyn and Vince's belongings from their home while the couple are on their honeymoon. Includes a photo of Lyn and Vince at home.

 Daily Mirror, Thursday, 10th April 1980, page 1.

Bride Lyn robbed of £30,000

Front page news item reporting on the £30,000 raid on Lyn's home. Includes a photo of Lyn and Vince on their wedding day.

 Daily Star, Thursday, 10th April 1980, page 6.

Raid heartache of pop bride Lyn

News item reporting on the £30,000 burglary at Lyn's home. Includes a photon Lyn and Vince on their wedding day.

 Daily Mail, Friday, 11th April 1980, page 17.

Lyn quits her house of heartbreak
by Stephen Oldfield.

News item reporting on Lyn's and Vince's plans to leave Liverpool following the £30,000 raid on their home. Includes a photo of Lyn.

 Daily Mirror, Friday, 11th April 1980, page 3.

Lyn flies south

Short news item reporting on Lyn's plans to leave Liverpool following the £30,000 raid on her home. Does not include any photos of Lyn or Vince.

 Music Week, 14th July 1980, page 1.

Ex-New Seeker Peter Doyle was pictured in the back of a Daimler limousine signing to the new independent record label Limelight.

 News of the World, 5th October 1980, page 5.

A FOOL LIKE ME: The life and loves of pop star Lyn Paul (Part 1)

Too Good To Be True: What the fans didn't know about the very private lives of the New Seekers by Lyn Paul
talking to Sharon Ring

Sharon Ring's article painted an unflattering picture of Lyn's life with the New Seekers. Amidst the tabloid tales, however, were a few quotes worth keeping:

Peter Doyle: "Peter Doyle was the best musician in the group and probably the most creative. At one time he and I were dating and had a wonderful relationship."
Eve Graham: "Eve, seven years older than me, was the dominant personality."
"She was tremendous on stage... a powerhouse the moment she opened her mouth to sing."

Marty Kristian: "Marty was quite a character with a great sense of humour."
Paul Layton: "He was the peacemaker, always asking us to patch up our fights. Poor old Paul, he took an awful lot of stick."
Peter Oliver: "I took to Peter from the beginning... good looking, light-hearted and fun to be with."

 News of the World, 12th October 1980, page 9.

A FOOL LIKE ME: The life and loves of pop star Lyn Paul (Part 2)

My shared affair with Jack Jones by Lyn Paul
talking to Sharon Ring

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In 1981 Lyn Paul signed a management contract with John Francis.

Ex-New Seeker Eve Graham released her first solo album since leaving the New Seekers. Eve also made her maiden parachute jump and raised £1,742.00 for the 'Save Sheila Fund'.

 Music & Video Week

14th February 1981, page 2
Celebrity goes into '81 with six LPs
"Celebrity Records, the label set up six months ago as an outlet for mid-price MOR music, has released its first six albums." Among them was "former New Seeker Eve Graham's Woman Of The World (007)".
"Celebrity has also issued two singles by Peters & Lee and Johnnie Ray, and a third, Eve Graham's Your Love (ACS 3) is scheduled for release this Friday (6)."

18th April 1981, page 17
Music & Video Weekcarried a full-page advertisement thanking people for their contirbutions to the Save Sheila Fund and for sponsoring Eve Graham's maiden parachute jump, which had raised £1,742.00. Celebrity signatures shown in the advert included: Kate Bush, Bobby Crush, Tony Hatch, Vince Hill, Hazel O'Connor and Cozy Powell.

"Special thanks to Eve Graham, Celebrity Records, Bastable PR, Annette Ellery, Chris Warren and Music Week who generously donated this page to the fund. GET WELL SOON SHEILA."

 Reading Evening News, Friday, 27th March 1981.

Eve's a swinging singer

A news item about Eve Graham's forthcoming parachute jump at the Red Devil's Normandy Barracks in Aldershot, with a photo by Steve Templeman of Eve preparing for the jump.

Eve's intention was to raise funds for the Save Sheila Fund, set up for former New Pickettywitch lead singer Sheila Rossall, who required treatment for total-allergy-syndrome.

"Sheila is allergic to almost every 20th Century product and, weighing only three stone 12 lbs, she flew to Dallas, Texas last month where Brookhaven Hospital offers the only known treatment for this illness."

 The Stage & Television Today

No. 5218, 16th April 1981, page 6
Francis lines up lively schedule for lovely Lyn
To judge from this news item in The Stage & Television Today, Lyn Paul was "in demand everywhere".

No. 5220, 30th April 1981, pages 8, 10 and 11.
Lakeside's Five-Star Celebration
The Stage & Television Today included a special feature on Bob Potter's "new, bigger, better" Lakeside Country Club, which was voted Club Mirror's 'Club of the Year'. Performing at the club's celebration on 13th April were Pan's People, Joe Longthorne, Lyn Paul and Jim Davidson, with Charlie Daze and Charlie Smithers, paired as bingo callers.
Lyn's performance went down particularly well: "Even as a member of the New Seekers she was outstanding as a featured vocalist, now she has improved beyond measure and gained in stature and confidence as a solo artist whether she's singing Sondheim or Sedaka..."

Three of the best
Photos of Jim Davidson, Joe Longthorne and "the lovely Lyn Paul" performing at the Lakeside Club's celebration.

Issue 5220 of The Stage & Television Today also included a quarter-page ad from Lyn Paul congratulating Bob Potter and Shirley Sharman on winning the 'Club of the Year' award.

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Puss In Boots (leaflet).

Puss In Boots
(theatre leaflet).


In October the Evening Standard reported that Lyn Paul had plans to marry. At Christmas Lyn starred in Puss In Boots at the Cambridge Arts Theatre...

 Evening Standard, Friday, 8th October 1982, page 9.

Singer Lyn to wed again

The London Evening Standard reported that Lyn Paul was planning "to marry 27-year-old night club boss Paul Wheeler". Lyn is quoted as saying: "Paul and I are in love and I am really looking forward to settling down and having children - two at least."

 Cambridge Evening News, 24th December 1982.

Fun zips along in the panto tradition
review by Alan Kersey

"Lyn Paul (remember the New Seekers?) made an interesting Principal Boy. I am not one of her greatest fans but she coped well with her new role despite being one of the victims of the pre-Christmas 'throats'."

 Billboard, Vol. 94, No. 51, 25th December 1982.

Now the World Is Coming to Oz: a Billboard spotlight on the live talent of Australia
by Glenn A. Baker

Not entirely accurate but...

"Antipodean artists having been making their presence felt on English and American charts since 1959...

By 1970 Seekers manager Bill Joseph [sic] had assembled THE NEW SEEKERS with a number of Australian members, including Marty Kristian and Peter Doyle. They enjoyed 15 U.K. chart entries through 1978, including two No. 1s and two number twos. In the U.S. they charted nine singles including a number seven with I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing.

Considerably more satisfying though was the U.K number two and U.S. number 44 success of The Pushbike Song by Melbourne group THE MIXTURES early in 1971..."

Read the article in full at Google Books.

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In 1983 Henry Hadaway persuaded Lyn Paul to make a comeback. At Christmas Lyn joined The Bachelors for a panto in Hanley.

 Titbits, 9th July 1983, pages 30-31.

Lyn seeks stardom again
by Richard Crocker

An interview with Lyn Paul in which she talked about her new single, Echoes Of Love, about her failed marriage with Vince McCaffrey - "only months after our wedding he got a hacksaw and cut off his wedding ring because he said it made him feel trapped" - and about life after the New Seekers: "We were promised fame and riches, and we just signed on the dotted line. We got the fame all right - nothing more."

 Music & Video Week

16th July 1983
Studio Scene (page 32)
Studio buzzes...
"Although a long way from double figures yet, Satril Studio has marked its third birthday with an equipment upgrade... Work at Satril in the last six months has included... a single by ex-New Seeker Lyn Paul,"

23rd July 1983
News (page 2)
Music Week reported the news that, "after an absence of six years from the music business", Lyn Paul had signed to Henry Hadaway's Crash Records. The news item was accompanied by a photograph of Lyn with Henry Hadaway and Ray Santilli, who had produced her new single, Echoes Of Love.

Select Singles (page 16)
Echoes Of Love (Crash CRA 509, Spartan)

"Voice harder edged in this first recording since 1978, song has much repeated catchy title line."

 Evening Sentinel, Thursday, 8th December 1983, page 17.

Panto stars 'genie' link

The day before the curtain went up on the Theatre Royal, Hanley's production of Aladdin members of the cast popped into the local Woolworths to launch British Telecom's new 'genie' phone.

"The Bachelors trio, singer Lyn Paul and ex-wrestling favourite Jackie Pallo rang in with the Christmas spirit... Shoppers flocked to see the celebrities who later made the first call on the "Genie" to Horton Lodge Special School, Rudyard."

 Evening Sentinel, Friday, 9th December 1983, page 14.

Panto season under way again - oh, yes it is....
by Geaham Smith

A preview of the Christmas entertainment on offer in North Staffordshire and South Cheshire:

"The curtain goes up at the Theatre Royal, Hanley, tonight on Aladdin which runs until January 14 (Monday to Saturday, 2.15pm and 7.30pm) and includes in its cast The Bachelors, Lyn Paul, George Lacy and Jackie Pallo."

 Evening Sentinel, Tuesday, 13th December 1983, page 15.

By George, panto's good
by JC

A review of Hanley's first panto for 23 years, starring The Bachelors and Lyn Paul:

"Spectacular staging and sheer professionalism turn the Theatre Royal's new panto Aladdin into a warm glow for Winter...

Generally the show succeeds, and in no small measure thanks to the performance of the tireless George Lacey... at 83, the theatre's oldest and most-loved Dame.

Lyn Paul, in the title role, also does well, finding chance between times to deliver songs."

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During 1984 Lyn Paul continued to perform in cabaret - her performance at Blazers in Windsor went down particularly well with Peter Hepple. At Christmas it was time for another panto...

 The Stage & Television Today, 8th March 1984, page 5.

review by Peter Hepple

"Lyn Paul is not one of those cabaret singers who comes on stage apologetically and cajoles audiences into taking notice of her. She has been around for a few years, in the social clubs, in ballroom groups, in pantomimes and summer shows and as a star personality in a chart-topping group, the New Seekers, and knows her worth and what she can do.

Thus, although she was officially in the support spot at Blazers, Windsor, her act had a lot of the top of the bill about it. The presence is there... with a mixture of good old-fashioned glamour... and a great voice which has never been properly appreciated.

The song selection at Blazers was very much the standard pick, I Will Survive, New York, New York, No Regrets and... I Am What I Am. But even they were enough to show that Lyn Paul has the style, and the closing Sedaka medley, neatly segued and demonstrating the range of this writer's compositions, also did the same job for the singer's talents."

 Music Week

1st September 1984
Performance (page 20)
Lyn Paul
A review by Chris White of Lyn's season at the Talk Of London: "Paul has developed a fine and confident style as a cabaret performer. There were only a couple of brief reminders of her New Seeker days, principally via I Get A Little Sentimental Over You and You Won't Find Another Fool Like Me. Her 45-minute act featured regulation cabaret songs like New York New York, I Am What I Am and I Will Survive (which she performed superbly as a ballad) but the real indication of her vocal talent came with the performance of her new single, Make The Night."

24th November 1984
TV promo for K-tel 60s LP (page 3)
"National TV promotion is planned for a new K-tel album, Hooked On Number Ones... featuring 100 number one songs performed by such names as Helen Shapiro... Madeline Bell and ex-New Seeker Lyn Paul, all segued together."

15th December 1984
Talent (page 10)
Lyn Paul was pictured with Helen Shapiro and Susan Maughan at a K-tel reception at Kettners in London to launch the double album Hooked On Number Ones.

 The News [Portsmouth], 21st December 1984, page 11.

Golden Egg Is Family Face
by Caroline Ball

Caroline Ball reported on the opening night of Mother Goose. Commenting on Lyn Paul's performance, she wrote: "Ex-New Seeker, Lyn Paul, and the multi-taloned Evil Spirit, June Lewis, gave the audience the chance to hiss, boo, clap and cheer. Mind you, the Good Fairy could not resist the opportunity to teach the world to sing and promote a certain brand of soft drink."

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In 1985 Lyn Paul sold her story to The Sun, something she'd later come to regret. She also made the news when her flatmate, the Bucks Fizz singer Mike Nolan, was injured in a coach crash. At Christmas Lyn turned up in Torquay for the annual panto, Cinderella.

 Mail On Sunday, 18th August 1985, pages 12-13.

Jonathan Margolis on the drama-packed return of Bucks Fizz.

Lyn Paul was featured in an article about Bucks Fizz and the recovery of group member Mike Nolan, who had been badly injured in a coach crash in December 1984.

"Mike's friend, ex-New Seekers singer Lyn Paul, has moved in with him since the crash - but love isn't the answer to his problems...

"I've always had a good relationship with Lyn. The romantic side of it is over, but we found that we're better living together."

"It's more fun that way. There's no arguing."

For Mike and Lyn... living together means just that."

 The Sun, Monday, 19th August 1985.

MY BEDROOM SECRETS: Lyn Paul rips back the covers to reveal the truth about her star lovers

Lyn talks about her relationships with Michael Crawford and Freddie Starr and about the "love match" between Eddie Large (from comedy duo Little & Large) and Patsy Ann Scott.

Just over a year later Lyn will look back on this exposé with the benefit of hindsight.

 The Sun, Tuesday, 20th August 1985.

MY BEDROOM SECRETS: Sexy secrets of showbiz by Lyn Paul - Day Two

Lyn talks about Fraser Hines, Jack Jones, Lennie Bennett and Mike Yarwood.

 The Sun, Wednesday, 21st August 1985.

I've proved Mike Nolan isn't gay! by Lyn Paul

Lyn talks about Bucks Fizz star Mike Nolan, Andy Williams and DJ Tony Blackburn, who she is reported to have described as "boring."

 The Sun, Thursday, 22nd August 1985, page 3.

Boring Tony in blast at dim Lyn

The Sun prints comments made by disc jockey Tony Blackburn on his Radio London show in response to the previous day's article where he was described in The Sun as "the biggest bore of the lot."

 Sunday Mirror, 29th September 1985, page 9.

Fizz star Mike in pub brawl
by Keith Richmond

The Sunday Mirror reports on an incident which occurred while Mike Nolan and Lyn Paul were having a quiet drink in a pub following a Bucks Fizz show in Slough.

 The Times, 7th December 1985.

The Times listed the pantomimes showing at theatres throughout the UK.

TORBAY: Cinderella: Norman Vaughan, Lyn Paul. Princess (0803 27527). Dec. 26 - Jan. 11.

 Herald Express, 27th December 1985.

Showstealing 'Sisters'
by Jasmine Tanner

In her review of Cinderella at the Princess Theatre, Jasmine Tanner heaped praise on the Ugly Sisters, played by Simon Barry and Alan Vicars: Lyn Paul's performance was also well received.

"Lyn Paul has not lost her singing talent, and bar a couple of apparent word slips, was particularly good as Prince Charming."

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On 13th November 1986 Lyn Paul appeared on the popular TV show 3-2-1. To coincide with the programme an interview with Lyn was published in that week's TV Times.

Meanwhile, in Bromley, preparations were being made for the annual panto...

 News of the World, 1st June 1986, pages 16-17.

Brain damage agony of Bucks Fizz Mike
by Sharon Feinstein

Mike Nolan again mentions Lyn in an article about him:

"We aren't lovers and never have been. We're just good friends and come and go as we wish.
When I'm depressed I hardly talk to Lyn. She just has to look at me and knows she should leave me alone."

 The Times, 22nd August 1986.

Spectrum: I sold it through the grapevine; Pop music in advertising
by Bryan Appleyard

"Pop and rock find their way into ads in a variety of ways. Coca-Cola's worldwide hit I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing in the early 1970s came from an almost unknown song called True Love And Apple Pie which the company bought in to use as a radio ad."

 Bromley Times, 8th November 1986, page 19.

Panto show with the big stars

The Bromley Times previewed the forthcoming panto at the Churchill theatre,

"Lyn Paul, formerly of the New Seekers... has been seen on Wednesday Night At Eight, Pebble Mill At One, A Question Of Pop, Celebrity Squares, Give Us A Clue, Definitions and 3-2-1."

 TV Times, 15th - 21st November 1986, pages 16-17.

Singer Lyn's secret heartache
by Stewart Knowles

Double page spread featuring colour pictures by Roderick Ebdon and an interview with Lyn by Stewart Knowles. Lyn talks about touring with Jack Jones in 1975, moving into Mike Nolan's flat in 1984 and reveals that she has regrets about the stories which appeared in The Sun newspaper the previous Summer:

"When someone offers you money... it is very tempting and you don't think about the repercussions.

I spent two months with the writer and, when the articles appeared, it wasn't at all the way I had anticipated. It was purely bedroom stuff, which isn't very pleasant for those who have been written about.

But you can not make amends. There is nothing you can do except hope that the people mentioned will know that it wasn't done with any malice."

 The Times, 29th November 1986.

The Times gave its annual round-up of the year-end pantomimes.

DICK WHITTINGTON AND HIS CAT: Roy Hudd, Bill Pertwee, Lyn Paul, Lambert & Ross, Roger de Courcey and Nookie Bear.

Churchill, Bromley, Kent (01-460 6677). Dec. 15 - Jan. 17

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Lyn Paul as Aladdin.

Lyn Paul
outside the
Sunderland Empire.


The Krankies

It's Fandabidozi!
It's Krankie


As inevitable as Christmas itself, the annual panto... Lyn Paul starred alongside the Krankies in Aladdin at the Sunderland Empire.

 Sunderland Echo, Monday, 7th December 1987.

Panto season means boys will be girls
by Alistair Robinson

"THE GREAT BRITISH panto is traditionally a rather confusing affair... What with principal boys and pantomime dames it's usually a case of boys will be girls and girls will be boys.

But when it comes to gender-bending, this year's show at [the] Sunderland Empire will take some beating.

As well as Lyn Paul as Aladdin, there's Janette Krankie - or is it Wee Jimmy? - playing a boy and Ian Krankie playing a woman."

 Sunderland Echo, Wednesday, 9th December 1987, page 19.

Top panto opens at Empire on Friday

"Ian and Janette will play Widow Twankie and Wishee Washee respectively, with Lyn Paul, who has been forging a successful career as a solo artist since leaving the New Seekers, as Aladdin."

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Babes In The Wood (programme cover).

Babes In The Wood
Grand Theatre,
(programme cover)


In October 1988 Lyn Paul's ex-husband, Vince McCaffrey, sold his story to the News of the World.

When Christmas came Lyn was to be found starring in Roy Hudd's production of Babes In The Wood at the Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton.

 News of the World, 9th October 1988, page 18.

I caught best friend Freddie seducing my naked wife
by Dan Slater.

Double page feature in which Lyn Paul's ex-husband told tabloid tales on Lyn and Freddie Starr.

 Express & Star, Tuesday, 20th December 1988, ppge 18.

Comedy classics at a Grand panto
review by John Ogden.

"Lyn Paul made a striking Robin Hood"

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The big event of 1989: Lyn Paul gets married to Alan Young.

 Hello!, 16th September 1989.

The 16th September edition of Hello! magazine featured a short article about Lyn Paul's wedding.

 Sunday Times, 5th November 1989.

`He's a pinstripe wizard...'; The Who
by Kate Saunders

"Fifteen years ago Tommy was taken deeply seriously. To suggest that it was not on the same artistic level as Il Trovatore was to be a total philistine. When the New Seekers, squeaky-clean Eurovision winners, recorded a version of Pinball Wizard in the mid-Seventies, there was widespread moral outrage how dare they pollute this masterpiece with their middle-of-the-road harmonies? Now, however, Tommy is emerging as a jolly sing-along, The Who's novelty act."

< [1975-79] Previous page | Next page [1990-95] >

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Who said that?

Fact or fiction?

What one means one day, you know, one may not mean the next. Circumstances change, opinions alter.
Jane Austen, 'Northanger Abbey'

Truth is the cry of all, but the game of few.
George Berkeley

If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
Albert Einstein

Man's mind is so formed that it is far more susceptible to falsehood than to truth.
Desiderius Erasmus

There are three sides to every story - yours, mine and all that lie between.
Jody Kern

I don't care what is written about me so long as it isn't true.
Dorothy Parker

I think the measure of your success to a certain extent will be the amount of things written about you that aren't true.
Cybill Shepherd

Write the truth and no one believes you: it's too alarming. So you might as well make it up.
Fay Weldon


Reporters are faced with the daily choice of painstakingly researching stories or writing whatever people tell them. Both approaches pay the same.
Scott Adams, 'The Dilbert Principle'

Journalists say a thing that they know isn't true, in the hope that if they keep on saying it long enough it will be true.
Arnold Bennett, 'The Title'

No news is good news; no journalists is even better.
Nicolas Bentley

Journalists are people who take in another's washing and then sell it.
Marjorie Eldershaw

To the majority... a woman is either somebody's mother or a whore.
Alexander King, 'Rich Man, Poor Man, Freud and Fruit'

To have no thoughts and be able to express them - that's what makes a journalist.
Karl Kraus

Hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil - and you'll never get a job working for a tabloid.
Phil Pastoret

Tabloid journalists. What a bunch of sneaky, sleazy, creepy, mischievous, lying, shit-stirring bastards!
Freddie Starr

The only qualities essential for real success in journalism are rat-like cunning, a plausible manner, and a little literary ability.
Nicholas Tomalin

The hand of God, reaching down into the mire, couldn't elevate one of them to the depths of degradation.
Charles Winninger (Dr. Enoch Downer), 'Nothing Sacred'


Some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it.
Spiro Agnew

I read the newspaper avidly. It is my one form of continuous fiction.
Aneurin Bevan

I prefer films to newspapers because papers tell lies about real people and films tell the truth about imaginary ones.
G.K. Chesterton

The advertisements are the most truthful part of a newspaper.
Thomas Jefferson

Everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true, except for that rare story of which you happen to have first-hand knowledge.
Erwin Knoll

Once a newspaper touches a story, the facts are lost for ever, even to the protagonists.
Norman Mailer

For the press, progress is not news - trouble is news.
Richard Nixon

Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.
George Orwell, 'Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters'


There is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary.
Brendan Behan

Wooing the press is an exercise roughly akin to picnicking with a tiger. You might enjoy the meal but the tiger always eats last.
Maureen Dowd, 'New York Times'

Publicity can be terrible. But only if you don't have any.
Jane Russell

There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about.
Oscar Wilde

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